Fair Use & Other Exceptions
Brewer, M., & ALA Office for Information Technology Policy. (2008). Educational exemptions in the U.S. copyright code [Evaluation tool]. Retrieved from http://librarycopyright.net/resources/exemptions/index.php
- Interactive tool designed to help determine if an intended educational use meets the requirements for an exception under Section 110 of the copyright code.
- The tool can also generate a PDF with the details of the educational use for documentation.
Brewer, M., & ALA Office for Information Technology Policy. (2008). Fair use evaluator [Evaluation tool]. Retrieved from http://librarycopyright.net/resources/fairuse/index.php
- Interactive tool providing assistance in determining the fairness of a specific use under Section 107 of the copyright code.
- The tool can also generate a PDF with the details of the use to document the fair-use analysis.
- Also contains an educational section about the four factors of fair use.
Brewer, M., & ALA Office for Information Technology Policy. (2010). Section 108 spinner [Evaluation tool]. Retrieved from http://librarycopyright.net/resources/spinner/index.html
- Interactive tool that helps library staff determine if a specific reproduction request/task is allowable under Section 108 of the copyright code.
- The tool can also generate a PDF with the details used to support use of the exception.
Hirtle, P. B., Hudson, E., & Kenyon, A. T. (2009). Copyright & cultural institutions: Guidelines for digitization for U.S. libraries, archives, & museums. Retrieved from https://ecommons.cornell.edu/bitstream/handle/1813/14142/Hirtle-Copyright_final_RGB_lowres-cover1.pdf
- Chapters 5-6 discuss exceptions to the exclusive rights of copyright holders, with particular focus on fair use (Section 107) and exemptions for libraries and educational institutions (Section 108/110).
- Table 5.1 (p. 88-89) lists and describes some of the other major exemptions in the Copyright Act, such as the First Sale Doctrine and those for computer programs.
- Table 6.1 (p. 108) provides an overview of specific exemptions for libraries.
- Flowchart 6.1 (p. 110) takes readers through a series of questions to help determine if digitization of an item is allowable under library and archive provisions of the law.
- Flowchart 6.2 (p. 117) takes readers through a series of questions to help determine if a patron request for reproduction is allowable under Section 108.
- Section 6.8 (p. 127-128) provides a checklist to help determine if a library is eligable for Section 108 exemptions and whether an item is permitted to be digitized.
Minow, M. (2003). How I learned to love FAIR USEā¦ [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://fairuse.stanford.edu/2003/07/06/how_i_learned_to_love_fair_use/
- Discusses how a good understanding of fair use could reduce a library's liablity for unintentional copyright infringment.
- Describes the four factors of fair use and how to apply them in a library setting.
Stim, R. (2010). Summaries of fair use cases. Retrieved from https://fairuse.stanford.edu/overview/fair-use/cases/
- Provides summaries of the outcomes of real court cases involving fair use determinations.
- Cases are grouped into categories, such as text, artwork, internet, and music.
U.S. Copyright Office, Library of Congress. (2016). Copyright law of the United States and related laws contained in Title 17 of the United States Code. Retrieved from https://www.copyright.gov/title17/
- Contains the actual text of U.S. copyright law, including the Copyright Act of 1976 and subsequent amendments through June 2016.
- The texts of Section 107, Section 108, and Section 110 are contained in the first chapter on the subject matter and scope of copyright.
U.S. Copyright Office, Library of Congress. (2018). U.S. Copyright Office Fair use index [Searchable database]. Retrieved from https://www.copyright.gov/fair-use/fair-index.html
- A searchable database of many (not all) judicial decisions and court opinions to help the public understand the types of uses that were previously deemed fair or not fair.
- Users can search by jurisdiction and/or category (e.g., music, computer program, parody).
University of Minnesota Libraries. (n.d.) Thinking through fair use [Evaluation tool]. Retrieved from https://www.lib.umn.edu/copyright/fairthoughts
- A structured checklist used to assist in conducting a fair use assessment.
- Covers the four factors of fair use (i.e., purpose, nature, amount, effect).
- Can generate a report of the assessment results that may optionally be sent to an email address.